Thursday, March 1, 2018

NPCC Annual Unit Camp 2018

is scheduled to be held on the 9th March -11th March, Friday to Sunday.

Reporting time: 2:30 pm
Venue: outside classroom block

Rules and Regulations for camp

Camp rules:
1. Only English is allowed to be spoken at all times.
2. No vulgarities and profanities to be uttered at any point of time.
3. No fighting at any point of time.
4. Attire standards to be maintained at all times. (Shirt tucked in, hair tied up, etc.) Girls hair should be braided
5. Address all officers and instructors present as Sirs or Madams.
6. No walking around the campsite in sandals or slippers, with the exception of the toilet.
7. No using of mobile phones throughout the camp.
8. No bringing of tidbits.
9. No smoking at all times.
10. No bringing of entertainment devices. (PSP, MP3, Laptop, etc.)
11. Strictly no movement and/or talking after lights-out.
12. All cadets are to eat during meal times. Food should be fully cooked. No eating of Milo powder
13. No fanciful jackets or windbreakers to be worn during the activities. Only plain jacket are allowed.
14. No leaving of camp site without permission from the Teacher Officers.
15. Campers are responsible for the cleanliness of the campsite.
16. Group identities (“flags”) have to be taken care of and not misplaced or confiscated.
17. During wet games, cadets are only allowed to shoot shoulder and below.  Anything above shoulder are to remain dry. 
18. Cadets are not allowed to drench the TOs, SIs, CIs and/or Heads during the wet activity.
19. Campers should move around using the Buddy System (in pairs) at all times.
20. Campers are to greet the officers and/or instructors every morning after they wake up.

Tent rules:

1. No eating in the tents.
2. No crossing over to the opposite gender side.
3. No sleeping without clothes on.
4. No changing of clothing in tents.
5. No using of torchlight at night, unless they are searching for items in their bags.
6. Maintain the cleanliness of tents.
7. No shoes inside the tent.
8. Zip up the tent when no one is inside.

Eating area rules:

1. Campers should ensure that the eating areas are free of litter after every meal.
2. Empty the mess tin before washing it.
3. Do not choke the sink when washing your mess tins.
4. Scrub mess tins after usage.

*The camp rules and regulations will be put up on the blog so that all campers may read and comprehend them before the camp. It shall thus be presumed that they have full knowledge of them. If there are violations of the above rules and regulations by any camper, he or she will be dealt with individually.

Camp Groupings

[Group No. 1]
[Group No. 2]
[Group No. 3]
Iron-Man [Group No. 4]
Wonder Woman
[Group No. 5]
[Group No. 6]
[Group No. 7]
Black Panther
[Group No. 8]
Owen Chow
(M) (IC)
(F) (IC)
Jun Wei (M) (IC)
Jeth (M) (IC)
(F) (IC)
Guang Wei
(M) (IC)
Joe Lam (M) (IC)
Shi Hao       (M) (IC)
Abhya Pathania (M) (IC)
Shawn Koh
(M) (IC)
Yong Hwee
(M) (IC)
Darren Leong
(M) (IC)
(F) (IC)
Yu Cong
(M) (IC)
Jie Sheng
(M) (IC)
(M) (IC)
Nuo Si
(F) (AIC)
(M) (IC)
Azim (M) (AIC)
Firdaus (M) (AIC)
Rong Jin
(M) (AIC)
Ophelia     (F) (AIC)
Jarren (M) (AIC)
(F) (AIC)
Lorraine (F) (AIC)
Kathleen (F)
Shafee     (M)
Hseng Chee   (M)
Gabriel (M)
Enzo  (M)
Dylan        (M)
Justin (squad 2) (M)
Sameer      (M)
Sariga Sri
Hui Ting (F)
Siti Nadiah (F)
Inqa (F)
Megan (F)
Lu Yee
Anishah  (F)
Qi Han (M)
Yi Heng (M)
Rifqah (F)
Isha (F)
Maisarah (F)
Eliz (F)
Qi Jun (M)
Evan (M)
Sabrina  (F)
Edwin (M)
Alvin (M)
Gautham (M)
Jaiyana (F)
Chin Loong(M)
Sathayapriya (F)
Justin (squad 1)
Irsyad (M)
Khairiah (F)
Sarah (F)
Hanz   (M)
Pharvind (M)
Jamie (F)
Alwiyah (F)

Jolin (F)

Irdina (F)

Seng Yap (M)
Total: 7
Male: 3
Female: 4
Shashwin (M)
Total: 7
Male: 4
Female: 3
Total: 7
Male: 3
Female: 4
Total: 8
Male: 4
Female: 3
Total: 7
Male: 3
Female: 4
Total: 7
Male: 3
Female: 4
Total: 8
Male: 4
Female: 4

Total: 8
Male: 4
Female: 4

Sentry Duty

Sentry Duty will only be held on 1 night (Day 1) as cadets will need to have sufficient rest on day 2 night to prepare for day 3 UG hike.

Whistle Blows

1 whistle blow – Cadet Leaders
2 whistle blows – Coordinators
3 whistle blows – Campers
1 Extended whistle blow – Flag Raising/ Lowering

Siren on the loud hailer - Emergency
