NPCC Rules

National Police Cadet Corps
Greenridge Secondary School

Purpose of Rules
  • Inculcate discipline and responsibility to cadets.
  • Standardised punishment and offences.
Serious Offence: Serious offences will be brought to the school discipline committee.

Scenario / Examples
Disrespectful/ Lying towards people of a higher authority
(Serious offence)
Rude towards Cadet Leaders either, verbal or non­-verbal.  
(e.g.​ disobeying Cadet Leaders instructions and etc.​) 

- Letter of apology to the affected party.

-Cadet Leader holding an exco position will be suspended from his/her position.

- 8 rounds around the Parade Square.
Fighting/Insulting each other during training

(Serious offence)
- Physically hitting each other or putting each other safety at danger.

- Using of hurtful comments/ profanities to each other
- Letter of apology to the affected party with the witness of Teacher Officer.

- 8 rounds around the Parade Square.
Abusing the of Authority (for Cadet Leaders) (Serious offence)
- Using any of the rules or their position to threaten or cause any unnecessary actions or remarks. 

- Putting the safety of his/her junior in danger.
- Apologise to the party that is affected and a letter of apology to be submitted to the Teacher Officers. 

- 8 rounds around the Parade Square.
Unauthorised personnel inside the Cadet Room (Serious offence)
- Only Teacher Officers, Cadet Inspectors and NPCC Cadets of Greenridge secondary school are allowed to enter the Cadet Room.
- If there is unauthorised personnel in the Cadet Room without the permission from TOs/CIs, the cadet/s who are responsible will be ban from entering the Cadet Room.

- 8 rounds around the Parade Square.
Posting negative pictures/comment on social media
 (Serious offence)
- Posting negative pictures/comments on the social media toward the corps/ any member of the corps
- Apologise to the unit/people that are affected and a letter of apology to be submitted to the OC or TO. 

- 8 rounds around the Parade Square.
Truancy/ Skipping of training without valid reason 
(Serious offence)
- Skipping NPCC Training/event without a valid reason.

Acceptable reasons:
- Going for a medical checkup (MC/Doctor’s Letter to be handed up by the next training)
- School event with the acknowledgement of Teacher Officers

- Absent from school due to illness/sickness

- Letter of apology to be submitted to the teacher officer.
- Parents will be informed

- 8 rounds around the Parade Square.
Late for Training 
(Without a valid reason)

- The reporting time is at 3.30pm but the cadet arrive at 3.31pm. which is considered late. 

- Cadets that got released late from class will be given sufficient time to have lunch.

Acceptable reasons: 
  • Remedial 
  • Detention 
Unacceptable reason: 
  • Went home to take uniform
  • Forget what 

time the training starts

For every minute the cadet is late the cadet has to do 5 Sit-Up/Crunches

Repeated offence will be highlighted and considered a Serious offence.

Lack of Sense of Urgency
A squad stroll to fall in and Teacher Officer /Cadet Inspector /Station Inspector/  Cadet Leader counted 

Cadets are allowed to ask for a time extension if the time given by the commander is insufficient.
For every +1 the cadet have to do 5 Sit-Up/Crunches.
Mishandling of Weapons

Baton: Leaving the Baton unattended or any mischievous act.

Rifle: Leaving the Rifle unattended or any mischievous act.

Dropping of Weapons unintentionally will not have to serve any punishment,
For example, Baton is too small for the frock and the Baton drop out of the frock during drills

4 rounds around the Parade Square 

Missing of weapon will be considered a Serious offence
Mishandling of NPCC Uniform
- Putting a uniform on the toilet floor when changing
- Did not change into Full NPCC Uniform in the toilet (for example: Coming out of the toilet in NPCC uniform with school white shoes).
- After changing out of NPCC uniform the cadet walks out of the toilet dragging the uniform on the floor.
- Placing of the uniform bag on the ground.

- Placing the beret on the ground.
- Walking out of the shelter without wearing a beret. 
- Beret drops off while the cadet is doing drills.
- Beret drops out of the cadet pocket.

Uniform (Shirt/Blouse & Pant/Skirt):

-Did not place NPCC uniform in uniform cover

- Wearing the wrong attire stated on the blog.

- Forget to bring PT Kit for PT/RT
Full uniform: 
-Did not bring a part of the uniform (example: Beret)
-Did not iron uniform
-Did not pin badges properly
Cadets that do not have uniform cover will be given a week to get the uniform cover, if the cadet still do not have the uniform cover after a week he/she will have to serve the consequences.

4 rounds around the Parade Square
Incorrect/ Incomplete attire
- Wearing the wrong attire stated on the blog.
- Forget to bring PT Kit for PT/RT

Full uniform: 
-Did not bring a part of the uniform (example: Beret)
-Did not iron uniform

-Did not pin badges properly

Cadets will be given sufficient time to adjust their badges after muster parade.

4 rounds around the Parade Square
Inappropriate attire
- Did not bring spectacle hook (for those wearing spectacle) 

- Fingernails are long
Cadets have one training to make the necessary adjustment. If there is no changed after one training the cadet has to face the consequences.

4 rounds around the Parade Square
Did not bring a water bottle to training
- Cadet/Cadet leader did not bring a water bottle to training.
- Cadet are encouraged to bring a proper water bottle (as stated below) 
Cadet is to buy mineral water from the canteen during the break given after the muster parade. 

4 rounds around the Parade Square

  1. The safety and well-being of cadets will be the number one priority.
  2. Teacher Officer/Cadet Inspector can change the punishment given to the squad depending on the situation.
  3. Serious offences will be brought to the school discipline committee
  4. If the Cadet Leaders are the one doing the offences, they would have double the punishment.
  5. A Teacher Officer/Cadet Inspector has to be around when Cadets are doing their consequence.
  6. Cadet Leaders are to give a maximum of 20 counts of exercise
  7. Cadet Leaders have to ensure the safety and well being of the Cadets when they are doing the punishment. If there is someone feeling unwell the cadet leader have to immediately attend to the cadet.
  8. All punishment will be dealt with after debrief. 
  9. If Cadet Leaders are punishing cadets, they are also required to do it with them. 
  10. If there is lightning risk alert or wet weather, Running of rounds will be changed to Sit-up/Crunches. (E.g. 1 rounds around the Parade Square to 5 Sit-up/Crunches).