Wednesday, August 21, 2013

ATC & STC Camps. Friday to Sunday
Fall in at the foyer at 1.45pm, bus will leave at 2pm.
Cadet room will be open at 6.45am, it will be close when the music in the hall start.
Day 1, Fall in in Purple pt kit.

Day 2, dark coloured shirt (wet activities), dark blue pt kit (campfire)

Day 3, Sec 2: house t-shirt, Sec 3: red pt kit.

Extra shirts will be either pride shirt/house t-shirt.

Notes: Take care of one another, be in buddy system, be hydrated, remember to bring 1.5L water bottle, reminded not to bring stuffs that are not in the kit list, have fun in the camp, be crazy and get ready to be hyped up. For girls, please braid your hair.